
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some Mistletoe For Ya

We went camping at Mistletoe State Park for my Dad's 60th Birthday.  Everybody was there but Mark!  It was so, so wonderful to be together.  The babies had a blast together, and it just makes it even harder to say goodbye.  The campsites were awesome, most were on the water or very close to it.  Great bike riding, and not too far off the beaten path.  It is exactly halfway between my sister's house in Georgia and all of us here in South Carolina.  Poor Nae had a 10 hour drive, but she was a champ!

So happy to be re-united!
Eli was kind enough to transport all of our bikes...
"Cupcakes for Breakfast"
Miss thing was pretty zonked by the middle of day 1.
It may have something to do with the fact that she was up until 3:30 AM the night we got there.
Dinner by headlamp.
Mom always wears this shirt was mine in middle school.  That says a lot.
Daddy's girl.
Dinner by headlamp, again.  And no, she was not eating Chick-fil-A sauce.
One of our campsites at dawn. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Time Flies : Week 22

We had our first plane ride during week 22, caught up with family, and went to another best friend's wedding!  Olivia definitely loves the weather up North.  Either that or her mother does....

More pictures from this week can be found here.

Always looking for her feet.
Safety first!  Too bad she hates it.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Time Flies: Week 21

Week 21 brought more excitement with the introduction of carrots.  She still has yet to roll over, which is totally fine by us!  She went to her first birthday party for her BFF Lydia, but fell asleep after a particularly fussy spell.  Hoping she isn't an early adapter of the "crying at other people's birthday parties" stereotype ;)

She started laughing intentionally this week, which we discovered when Ben was throwing the stick to Hank. Every time he brought it back, O would give a big belly laugh.  She has since started reaching out for him whenever he walks by, and she watches his every move.  We went to the dog park at James Island County Park, where she was entertained by all the chaos.

This girl loves when her mom goes to work so she can be spoiled by Dad!
The BFF's on the way home from the dog park.

Truest friends.
SLAMMED the carrots.
The best kind of nap.
Wearing her frilly pink skirt from her Auntie Aimee and baby animal onesie from her Great Pop-Pop
...which is definitely her favorite outfit.
Does it get any better than a big, gummy smile?
She will stop growing up soon, right?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Daddy's Home!

Ben keeps saying that he can't wait until she can verbalize these feelings...

Monday, September 10, 2012

Time Flies: Week 20

Big stuff happened this week, with the introduction of solid foods!  We were really surprised at her four month checkup when Dr. Hutton immediately observed that she was functioning like a six month old, and that it was definitely time for her to be eating.  I had been doing some research for whenever the time came, and was a little uneasy about starting with rice cereal.  Without sharing my opinion, I asked Dr. Hutton what we should begin with, and she said sweet potatoes or avocados, which made our decision an easy one.  I had sweet potatoes at home, so we fixed some up and she never looked back.

This week brought a break in the form of cooler temperatures and a slight reduction in humidity.  The mosquitoes have been horrendous this summer, which meant being stuck inside most of the time.  Ben is a part of a trio (Mr. Goodstache) that often plays on Sunday afternoons at a local coffee shop, Kudu.  It is one of his favorite ways to unwind, and Olivia and I have been going out and even staying the whole time because she loves it so much.  The music, the outdoors, and the constant view of her main squeeze makes a pretty great afternoon for her.

It is so much fun watching the enjoyment that comes from the new flavors!
I love looking in the backseat and finding this.
God is the most incredible creator.  Look at those lips!!
Waiting for her lunch like a big girl.  (In her Halloween PJ's)
Used to holding Mommy's hand while she eats...
Reading about Uncle Marky at the Doctor's office.
Such a sweet personality.
Listening to Daddy's music.  Oh, and Uncle Micah and Christian!
So happy for cooler weather (80's).

Monday, September 3, 2012

Time Flies: Week 19

Week nineteen flew by, as they all seem to do nowadays.  We enjoyed a three-day weekend, and had the last of the easy feeding times for Olivia.  She is so aware of her surroundings, loves to stand in her walker and "space gym"...definitely does NOT enjoy laying down in our arms anymore!

Watching the chicks at Grammy and Grampy's house.
We had to break out her Halloween garb a little early, this six month outfit is for the birds!
Loving her new space gym, on loan from Ella.
Enjoying the front porch sittin' on her first Labor Day.
Olivia (4.5 months) and Lydia (11 months).  Who happen to be about the same size!
Hangin with Mommy on her day off.
Friday night family night at Target!  She would rather be at home..ha!
One of my favorite photos so far...Ben gets her chatty in a matter of seconds.