
Thursday, May 16, 2013

And Now Life Really Begins...

She finally had her first taste of anything sweet, besides fruit of course.  
She was cursed from birth since both of her parents are sweetaholics.  

Happy, Happy Birthday, Olivia Teagan!

April 20, 2013
Great Pop-Pop's House in Maryland
(Excuse the 14 minutes of stupid conversation,
if anyone actually watches the entire thing besides her Grandparents!)

I will also add that we didn't really think this through and gave it to her at nine o'clock at night.  She and Ella were LITERALLY bouncing off the walls, acting like they were on bath salts.  Olivia picked up a Little Tikes grocery cart on her own and was acting out like we have never seen before...I guess what they say about sugar is true!

Highlight at 6:23 when Rachel says she needs another piece and Mom says "no, no, she'll be hangin' off the rafters".

Blast(s) From the Past

I finally had the time to sit down and figure out how to post a video to blog-land. 
I can't believe she was ever this little!  

18 Weeks, Yobe, & Aunt SeeBee

19 Weeks in Walker