
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Because I'm Too Cheap to Buy A Card.

To Our Benjamin:

You get to come home to three girls this Father's Day.  Let's just think on that for a minute.

The challenges, oh, the challenges!  When we are granted and entrusted with children, our goals and priorities and dreams get shoved aside, but for something bigger.  You just had a major part in giving breath to another life on Thursday.  What could possibly be greater than that?  What made-up plans of ours could trump this reality?  You have another arrow in your hand.

I am so proud of you.  Can I keep saying that?  A lot of nights you crawl into bed next to me at 2 or 3 a.m. after a gig, and crawl out next to me at 7 a.m. trying to beat me to Olivia's door.   You are tireless, selfless, and inspiring.

Incredibly, the way you love our girls is a small picture of the way you love me.  That is undoubtably the best gift you could ever give them as a father.  It doesn't cost you anything, but yet it costs you everything.  Your selflessness cannot be disguised.  It reminds me of Jesus.  And it will always remind our girls of Jesus.  Every decision you make is a result of thinking of your family first.  You are honorable.

So, lead on.  We are following you every step of the way, wide-eyed in expectation of what God will next call you to conquer as a part of His perfect will.  Every small decision, every trivial circumstance, and all the monumental moments...they all add up to make a journey.  We are blessed beyond blessed to be on it with you.

Happy Father's Day.

"Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?  The fruit of the womb his generous legacy?  Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.  Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!  Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you; you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep."  - Psalms 127

Pure joy.

Little Wren resting in the hands that were literally designed just for her before the dawn of time.

Five hours after becoming a daddy of two.  
He's got a glow, don't you think!?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

El-pants and I-gulls

Some friends of ours kindly invited us along to the B-List circus over the weekend.  Olivia has never been so excited about anything for a prolonged period of time!  I think she is getting to the stage where she is beginning to understand the concept of past, present, and future.  

She talked about the el-pants (elephants) and i-gulls (tigers) all day.  I asked her what elephants eat, and she confidently replied, "dog food."  She did also inform me that tigers eat grass.

They had several extra tickets, so we invited Giga and Poppy along for the show.

I'll admit, it was all a bit overwhelming.

Jed arrived and they checked out the elephants for a few more minutes, and then we went inside the big top to wait, wait, and wait some more.  We arrived at 3:45 p.m. as suggested, and the show began 30 minutes late at 5:00 p.m..  Uncle Buddy gave Livi some spending money, so we thought it would be a good idea to upgrade our free seats.  It was.

While we waited, Giga thought it would be a great idea to introduce Livi to cotton candy.  She is a very skeptical child, and was nervous about her first bite, but then she couldn't get enough.  She thought it was so funny that she got to rip it off in pieces.  

 This is what I looked like in middle school, plus 100 pounds and really jacked up teeth.

We made it to the intermission and then were too restless to continue, but I think if we hadn't waited so long for the show to start, she would have made it.  She was enthralled by every act!  This is such a fun age!  Thanks again Knights for the awesome day!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring in Our Step

Our first Spring morning of 2014 began like this:

And ended like this:

We really can't complain.  Everyone else has been buried under twelve feet of snow since November, and we're unhappy about the incessant rain in the 50's, in March.  But we're almost there!  And we enjoyed some free Rita's tonight to celebrate.  She loved it.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow-ish Day!

January 27, 2014

I receive this in the mail.

I go on a bike ride with this thing.

January 28, 2014

We wake her up for the first snow day of her life.

She was obviously dreaming about snow.

We suit her up in her southern snow gear.

Poker with friends.  (Out of sequence).

Chicken Noodle Soup.

Daddy makes fire.

We walk around our neighborhood.

Was it really this exciting?


Why yes, it was.

Lots of limbs down.

Happy Snow Day, Livi girl!

Monday, January 27, 2014

It's A...

We went to Continental Corner to open the envelope together.  We've gone there to celebrate almost every major occasion since we've known each other.  I highly recommend doing this rather than finding out during the actual ultrasound.  It gave us both a chance to really freak out together and it was just our moment in one of our favorite places, and turned out to be one of my best-loved memories since we've been married.  The pure ecstasy in Ben's face when he saw it was a girl was incredible!  We found out with our families and a gender reveal cake with Olivia, and I feel like I was more present in the moment this time around.

All of that to say, in June we will be welcoming another Scott girl into our family!  We had a blast keeping it a secret from pretty much everyone for the first 22 weeks.  We did tell our families around Christmas, but we wanted to wait to spill the beans until we knew what we were having.

Olivia is thrilled!