
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

39 Weeks Pregnant Means...

Eating oregano by the spoonful and fresh pineapple by the gallon.  Has anybody had any real luck with that inducing labor?!?!  My sister swears that pineapple did the trick for her...

Nesting...can't stop won't stop.   Projects are everywhere, and every single one is calling my name!

Taking one of these in honor of my fellow Scott outlaw, Ange.  She has been so diligent about recording her pregnancies and challenged me to take at least one picture before Baby O arrives. 

Spoiling Hank.  This particular picture is me feeding peanut butter, which never gets old.  This poor dog does not know what is coming. 

Monday morning he rode with us to drop me off at the office.  I opened the car door and he got right in the car seat.  I yelled at him.  Poor guy.

Watching little surprises come up from the ground.  Bulbs are so much fun to watch for this time of year!  My aunt gave us a ton of bulbs, and Ben swore that he planted them.  The proof finally showed up--ha!

Who knows, maybe I won't need to write a 40 Weeks Pregnant post!  How many of you were early, late, or right on time?

1 comment:

  1. you are looking like such a beauty! i wish i looked so cute a week before due date. go YOU!

    i have not ever heard of pineapple or oregano. i have heard of raspberry tea! my friend drank it for a whole day and was in labor the very next!
