
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

41 Weeks Pregnant Means...

Seeing constant reminders, in hilariously real ways, of this new little life that will be here very soon, Lord willing!

Being blessed, constantly, by my husband.  

Words cannot express the incredible man that God has given me, for such a time as this.  Pregnancy has changed our marriage in so many ways, and I am so thankful that Ben has taken this time to lead and challenge our growth together.  I just can't begin to detail how blown away and captivated I am by this man. 

"Begin as you mean to go."

 Getting ready for guests!  We are seriously stocked up on paper goods.  As in, it would be a crime against humanity to bring another roll of toilet paper or paper towels into this house.

Piling on the dry shampoo.  Because being stuffed into a small bathroom with a hair dryer and straightener isn't something that any woman wants to do, much less this increasingly warm-natured woman.

 Taking lots and lots, and lots of walks.  This particular one took me as close to a jellyfish as I hope to ever be...and it was dead.

Praying...that there won't be a similar post next Wednesday!


  1. YAY getting ready for Olivia Teagan Scott!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! Love you :)

  2. oh girl! i can't wait for you to get that baby girl into your arms. such joy awaits!
