
Monday, April 2, 2012

My Friends are Gifted.

I have such incredibly talented people in my life, and I've been looking forward to writing this post for a few weeks now!  Little O has received so many gifts, and I just couldn't believe the blessings that kept pouring in.  God has provided everything she could ever need!  I have already told Ben that she has more clothes right now than she will ever have again in her whole life, so she'd better not get used to it--ha!

Anyhow, I wanted to share all of the handmade things that were created just for her.  Really, I just wanted to brag on these amazing women!

These burp cloths were made by our good friend Polly.  Ben has known her for years and she has been so special to both of us!  I had NO idea that she was so crafty--and they look so fancy that she had to tell me they were handmade.  Hopefully Olivia won't barf on them.  Polly is seriously fascinating and inspires me to up my travel goals!

The hairbows, onesie, and burp cloth were made by the sweetest Hilary!  We went to the same college and it has been so much fun getting to know her little by little.  Follow her on twitter--she has the most precious babygirl and her Etsy store has some hats I have been eying to buy for gifts in the near future.  I am beginning to embrace the monogram now that Hilary is in my life--to my northern friends, I think you guys should start the trend.  People in the south monogram their cars.  I don't know if I will ever go that far ;)

This dress is just precious!  April even added "O" buttons!  I can't wait to put babygirl's hair in pigtails and dress her in this outfit.  April is a full-time artist, with a really interesting twist.  Check her out!  I have known her and her husband since my freshman year of college (8, and they live right down the street from us.  They are fixing up their house and she too shares lots of fun stuff on twitter.

My dear friend Amanda made this real-life bunting banner!  She and a few other friends hosted one of the best baby showers ever, and this was part of the decor (I will share more when I reveal the nursery!).  I wanted to hang this downstairs so everybody could enjoy celebrating baby O, whenever she arrives!  I think this banner will be a part of birthday and other very special traditions.  Actually, I know it will.

She and her hubby are heading to Africa next month to do medical missions.  So awesome.  Her husband Micah and my husband Ben are the best of friends...they really do go way back.

These onesies are so much fun!  Jill made them--there is one for every holiday and some for the months in between.  Clever, I tell you!  Jill also makes amazing cards, and I wish I had taken a picture of one of them before I sent them all.  Jill and her husband did our marriage counseling before we got married, and then we stayed on with them for "therapy" (small group with just the four of us...ha!) for the next year.  They still lead our small group and are now mentoring us on becoming parents.  Whoda' thought?!

Hopefully I didn't leave anything out--Olivia really has been showered with so many things--each such a special reminder of the fantastic people in our life, some near and some far.  Truly blessed I tell you!

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