
Friday, April 13, 2012

Restaurant Remarks...Oh Saffron.

Saffron Cafe & of East Bay Street in Charleston.  Get there.

(I promise I will get better at taking beautiful photos as soon as I have the energy to lug around a camera bag again!)

Bocce ball, outdoor seating.

Cases full of pastries.

More outdoor seating!

The long case: chock full of cheesecakes, tarts, eclairs, you name it.

We took our goods to-go.  We had, you know, places to go, people to see a dog in the car.

Ben had his ham and swiss croissant warmed.  I would highly recommend that maneuver.

These pastries were the size of my husband's head.

We ordered five, and our total was just over $10, including tax.  Considering a donut from a chain shop is almost a dollar, I would call this place a bargain!

The cheese danish was my FAVORITE.  I couldn't even finish 1/3 of the flaky, sweet goodness.

We also tried the chocolate pastry, almond pastry, and the parisian something-another.  All fantastic.

Gorgeous pastries.  Glamourous car breakfast.

We had leftovers.

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