
Friday, May 18, 2012

A Dad and His Girl

Watching Ben become a dad is something that started before she even arrived.  Characteristics of fatherhood were evident before we were married, as silly as it sounds, through watching his "relationship" with Hank!  I knew he would be protective, practical, and Mr. Safety.  Which I am thankful for, because if Ben is Mr. Safety, I am Mrs. Walkingdisaster.  

(Flashback: AOL Screenname from 9th grade alert.)

Marriage changes, in a good great way.  It becomes more raw, more complex, and less about us.  Our relationship focuses so much on maintaining itself, thus uplifting our little girl and painting her into the picture of love that God has designed for her.  These things are not automatic.  If anything, from what we've heard, having a child seems to corrode husband and wife relationships if you aren't super intentional about making marriage a priority.

One hour new. 

Olivia's first visit to the Pediatrician.

Airing our her cord stump during naptime.  GAG.  
I did a jig when that thing fell off during a middle of the night diaper change.

Because of some good advise from wise friends, 
we are learning how to incorporate her into our lives, 
rather than wrap our lives around hers.

Fatherhood looks good on my Ben.

Watching Jeopardy together.

Olivia loves to hold his hand.

I am so amazed at the way he loves little O.  It is the most unselfish, giving, careful yet all-out kind of love.  Last night she was unwilling to settle down and go to sleep, I could sense his frustration but he refused to give up on her.

Kind of like the way our Father loves us.

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." -Romans 5:8

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