
Friday, June 29, 2012

Oh the Places We'll Go...

Remember our vacation plans?  A few weekends ago, we took our first trip out to Beachwalker Park, sort of.

Kiawah and Seabrook Islands are fancy schmancy islands off the edge of the Lowcountry.  One of my favorite things about this destination is the 45 minute drive, lined with gorgeous oak trees which drip with spanish moss over the two-laned road.  Ben was a worship leader at a church out there when we first met, so there were lots of Sunday morning sunrises taken in down that road.

There is a really fantastic retail center between the two islands called Freshfields Village, with lots of fun shops and a great little green space in the center where they hold concerts and what not.  

We milled around in a fabulous little toy store called Wonderworks.  I think it is a local chain.

We had so much fun just walking around and seeing what was there, you know, by some off chance that we will ever have money to burn.

We found these very expensive ice cream cone nick-nacks.  If my husband didn't despise clutter I could imagine them placed prominently in my kitchen.  (Sidenote: I am actually very thankful he hates clutter.  It keeps me in check...)

Seriously diggin' this bedroom set.  See the walls full of fabric swatches?  Custom = PRICEY.

We left the home store since we were both getting twitchy, and headed to where else but the grocery store.  You can always afford something at the supermarket!

We decided to grab lunch there, and we were so glad we did.

Total spent: around ten bucks.  We split that HUGE sub and got lots of refills on our drink.

And then got ice cream because breastfeeding women need dairy to produce milk like to eat.

Look at my little five week old sleeping beauty.  Stop this train.

Needless to say, we barely made it out to the actual beach.  I don't even have a picture to prove that we drove in and drove out.  Oh well.  The weather was kind of jankety anyways.  Next time!

Oh, and thank you Rebecca P. for your suggestion to hit up Freshfields!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

You Had A Visitor

FYI this will not be the most entertaining post for most people...

I tried to remember to take a picture of all of her visitors, but I definitely missed quite a few.  
I wanted to post this so we would have all of these in one place!

Aunt PT & Uncle Eli


Granny Scott

Aunt Amanda & Uncle Micah

Aunt Emily


Uncle Corey

Uncle Buddy

BFF Lidia

The Forbes Clan

Micah, Will, Jill, Heath, Lidia, and Will

April and Robert

Aunt Seebee

Aunt Seebee

Ella and Olivia Meet for the first time

Aunt Becky

Grammy, Grampy, and Aunt Becky

Cousin Sophie

Pop Pop Scott

Ella & Olivia

Ella & Olivia

Ella & Olivia

Ella & Olivia

Mrs. Gwen

Amy & Max


Aunt Sally & Abbey

Phillip and Sanders

Several of us cried when Sanders hugged her...

Karey, Amelia,  James, and Phillip



Alex, Dan, and Ryan (The guys at work minus John!), who also appear to be matching...

Brooks and Ben

Aimee and Aaron


Chris (Love this pic, by the way!)
Aunt Tam

I know there are a ton that I'm missing, if you have a picture of you meeting her for the first time, please share!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Time Flies: Week 9

Surprise!!  We made it through the ninth week.  Here are some highlights:

Baby O loves her bathtime!!
We have to keep it special by only doing it every once in a blue moon ;)

The best part about this week was:
  • Aunt Seebee came for a surprise visit and staying at Granny's house for a whole day!
Some things we've learned:
  • Wearing a snap on one piece romper to the doctors office is like wearing a sundress to try on clothes: so much easier.
  • She is the size of a 4.5 month old...
  • Home remedies for a cough: steamy shower, push fluids and even a small amount-were talkin an ounce- of water (although o hated it--haha), the snot sucker proceeded with saline.
Some things we've learned the hard way:
  • Make sure all the pieces to the bottle are intact before administering to child.  (Ben's lesson)
Olivia loves:
  • Listening to Pop give piano lessons.
  • Her Great Grandma Nina!
  • Hearing her Daddy talk and sing.
Olivia surprised us when:
  • She registered 95th percentile for weight (12.8 lbs) and off the charts for height (24.75 inches) for her age.  Biggest surprise: Head is normal!  Go ahead girl!

Little Big O at her two month checkup.
Cuddling with Aunt Seebee at Yobe!
This will never, ever, ever get old.

Our first (successful) morning walk in the Baby Bjorn.  Which happened only because we realized you aren't supposed to shove the baby down into the tiny crevice.  The two buttons on the top are actually designed to release, allowing the baby to fit easily inside without trauma.  Imagine that.