
Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Best Friend's Wedding

I met Aimee on my very first day of college.  She was my roommate, and we were inseparable.  I can't believe we're both married now.  I can't believe how fast life happens.

Below are some pictures of her wedding...I was in it so didn't have much time to make things fancy.


I love these hanger things.

Her decorator was absolutely INCREDIBLE.  She used to work for Disney...

Best favor ever...pralines!

Loved the cake.

Favor bags.

Such a hit!

My parents and two of my sisters came, we've all been impacted by Aimee in one way or another!

Just gorgeous.

The wedding and reception was at Old Santee Canal State Park, at the Old Stony Landing Plantation house.  They had a little cocktail reception immediately following the ceremony down on the dock, and then moved the party out to the lawn.

Me and O.  (Behind us are the doors she walked through for the ceremony.  Seriously breathtaking.)

Flowers and candles in jars, hanging all over!

Diaper changing on the go.  Thankful for such wonderful parents!

My sister caught in an awkward pose...

Aimee and Aaron, and her sister Christy.  Man I love those girls.

So glad Nae caught these on camera...classic Aimee!

Real Housewives sister and parents.

Look!  Someone is forcing me to eat!  
No, no.  That actually has never happened to me...ever.

The Scotts and the Zevenbergen's!  
I got rid of my funky name and she took on a funky name.

Head table.

I loved how they brought the inside out!

Yard games!


Katie, who Aimee and I met our first night at CSU.

Dad and Ben.

Family picture.  There were 30 other bad ones to go with this.


The gift table.

They walked out among sparklers and best friends.  
One of the most perfect weddings I have ever seen!

1 comment:

  1. Love you mari!! Thanks for glad you were a part of it!
