
Monday, August 27, 2012

Time Flies: Week 18

Baby's eighteenth week was bittersweet.  We attended the funeral of her great-grandma, who sadly, she will never remember.  We have so many stories that I cannot wait to pass on to her.  Grandma loved Olivia and enjoyed spending some of the last days of her life falling further for our sweet girl.  

Cashed out at the viewing.  Ben took one for the team and went off in another room to get her to sleep!
On the way to Manning.
Pink porcelain cheeks.
Visiting daddy at work!
Spending Saturday with Aunt SeeBee & Tracie at the outlets!
Just when she was learning to keep her bink intact, she learned to take it out of her mouth and play.
Listening to Mr. Goodstache at Kudu on Sunday.  Happy as a clam!

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