
Monday, October 1, 2012

Time Flies: Week 23

Week 23 was a doozy.  After being gone for four days, we were home and then left again to go camping over the weekend for my Dad's 60th birthday.  We finally got our new (to us) bikes and did lots of riding after work.  Olivia loves it, and typically falls asleep by the time we round the corner to our house.  She is still wearing size 3 diapers, 6 month clothes, and 9 month pajamas.  She is really putting her new rolling skills to use!

I walked in the kitchen for a minute, and came to find her scootched off the mat.
 She was a little freaked out by it!
Soaking in every second of this!  Few and far between.
A little Costco trip never hurt anybody!
Hanging with Miss B and Daddy while Mommy gets ready to go in to the office.
Not diggin' the avocado/sweet potato combination.  I can't blame her. 
The helmet.  Oh the helmet.
No caption needed.
Still loving bathtime!
Much better!

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