
Monday, October 29, 2012

Time Flies : Week 27

We were on the go this week, especially over the weekend!  Ben played the Charleston Mac-Off, which meant free tickets for me, so we strolled around and sampled some pretty amazing mac and cheese.  Olivia had fun listening to the music and being outside.  We spent Sunday afternoon at Kudu, soaking in great music and no agenda.  We also went to Early Bird Diner for breakfast, and for the first time realized that it is getting a little more difficult to eat out with a baby :)

There is nothing worse than being just a spectator at the Mac-Off.

So in love with her Daddy.

The spinach and blueberries are a hit!

Taking in the Sabbath with Mommy.

Her Hankie.

We've had more than a few meltdowns this week.

Waiting for a seat at The Early Bird Diner.

Lunch date with Uncle Buddy!

Bundled up for the fair.  It was in the 40's!

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