
Monday, October 15, 2012

Time Flies : Week 25

Week 25 began with all things pumpkin.  Little girl took one lick and it was love at first bite.  We spent the weekend in the western mountains of North Carolina with Auntie Sarabeth and Granny, and Olivia was a wonderful traveler, in spite of this being the third weekend out of the past four where we were out of town.  Meanwhile, Ben was out of town for work so we spent the remaining hours of Sunday getting settled back in and awaiting his return.

Wait til she realizes that there is pumpkin cheesecake, 
pumpkin granola, pumpkin bread, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin lattes...

We were hoping for cooler weather, but at least it wasn't 97 and humid!

Hanging with Aunt Seebee at The Flat Rock Bakery in Hendersonville, NC.  
The Scotts have been going there for years every summer during Music Conference at Bonclarken.  
It is to die for...I definitely recommend it!

Another Scott tradition is loading up at The Fresh Market.  Olivia guessed it would be one wild ride, full of bulk yogurt covered pretzels, artisan cheeses and hot apple cider samples.  She was correct.

We took this picture in honor of her Great Grandfather, Pop-Pop, her favorite farmer.

I'd pick her.

Having her first taste of an apple slice on our rock quarry picnic before heading out.

The car was so loaded down with stuff apples that it would barely accelerate.  We brought almost four bushels home for applesauce, pies, and for keeping the doctor away.  Granny and Olivia thought it may be a good idea to document my packing job, since Ben would never believe it.

And finally we were home to wait on daddy.

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