
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Very Super Bowl

This year was somewhat non-traditional.  Mom and Dad got a fifth wheel a few weeks ago, so naturally they have been finding every excuse to go someplace (like they've ever needed an excuse before?!).  We were all the better for it, and spent most of Sunday at James Island County Park hammin' it up in the RV.  It was quite nice, especially since the furniture is more comfortable than what we have at home.  Recipes below!

An early predictor that the Ravens would be #1!

Helping Poppy to get things fixed. 

On a walk with Giga and Mommy!

This is for all of her Auntie's and Great Auntie's who haven't seen her teeth yet!

My main #1 squeeze

My #2 squeeze

Mom documenting her first party spread.

Speaking of spreads, would anyone like the recipe for crack?

Mix together 1 lb of browned and drained ground sausage, 
16 oz cream cheese, and 1 can of Ro-Tel tomatoes.  
Put it in the crock pot on low and stir.  
Thank me later.

Chex Mix is a Scott family tradition that I just wrapped my head around a few weeks ago.  I'm glad it is for football season only, or else I'd need to be working out at least 100% more than normal.

You can find it here.  We always make it in the oven.  
I added mini crackers this time and my very picky party mix husband admitted that it was spot on.

Olivia and her most favorite food, Chobani.  
She eats a whole one for breakfast every single day.  
Bless her heart.

Pretending to crawl.

Mommy and her girl right before she expired.

Barricaded on Giga and Poppy's ridiculously comfortable bed.
Too bad next year she won't be allowed to watch the game because of all the sickening commercials!!!!!  Really, the Gag-Daddy commercial is the one that comes to mind.  Anybody else?!

Thank you to Aunt Amy for the Ravens gear and to Auntie Chris for the precious tutu!

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