
Monday, February 18, 2013

Time Flies : Week 43

Olivia is so frustrated that she can't stand on her own or walk!  She is sick of being stationary but still has no interest in crawling.  In due time!  We had a great week and enjoyed our first Valentines Day as a family.  We went to the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition for the first time, and of course, Olivia's favorite part was the puppies.

Practicing her acrobatics...

Her Valentines outfit : "Daddy Melts My Heart"
Nothing could be more true.

Finally cold enough to merit a jacket.

Had to take a picture next to the Wells Fargo stagecoach for Aunt Seebee!

Her first character encounter.  
She was a little freaked out, but now she is officially
 ready to meet all the princesses at Disney next month :)

Going in for the kill...

...a.k.a. getting as close as possible to her Valentine.

Olivia and Olivia the pig, meeting for the first time.

Practicing eating off of a plate, she is doing so well with leaving it on the tray.

Our morning ritual of telling Ms. B "good morning!"...

Ecstatic over the puppies!

Another week older...

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