
Monday, April 8, 2013

Time Flies : Week 50

Week 50 will be one that we remember forever!  We had the best time with Ben's family and it was so incredible to watch Olivia and Liam (cousins), especially.  They are about six weeks apart and had a ball together!  I did a terrible job of taking pictures, I think because Ange, my fellow Scott outlaw, is such a pro at making sure things are documented.  I had to work during the week, as did Sarabeth, but we were both able to take a day off on Tuesday to have our family pictures done.  A good friend from college, John Nettles, did a fantastic job wrangling the four kids (all under age three!), seven adults, and the little Easter chicks he brought along for props.  We are eagerly anticipating the final product!

As with every other holiday, both Ben and his Dad had ten billion church services between the two of them, so we didn't see much of either one of them until Monday.  And I managed not to get a single picture of the three of us on Easter!  Being together for 2.5 hours means enjoying the time and not documenting it :)

As for how the week went: Monday, they all went to the SC Aquarium, and I was able to meet them for lunch.  Monday night we went to Fonduely Yours to celebrate Richard's 60th Birthday.  Julie and Eli babysat the kids, and the LA Scotts warmed right up to them!  Tuesday we did the pictures, Wednesday they had a work day at Ben's parents house.  Thursday, they waded through people at the Children's Museum.  Friday night everybody came to our house, and the kids played while the girls went to Costco (Ange doesn't have one in  We grilled out in our backyard and made smores over the fire.  Saturday morning we all said our goodbyes, so sad to see everybody go after such a great trip!

Bri and Tony were down from New Jeresey, so we got to see them a few times during the week as well.   A million years of uninterrupted time with that girl just wouldn't be enough.

While I was working for Jason on Sunday, Eli called and said Olivia was really sick.  I was really panicked and Jason and I dropped everything to get to their house.  Ben was tied up at a gig, so he was tormented that he couldn't be there to help in the thick of it, but after a few grueling hours, she completely perked up and was back to normal.  Who knows!

O was quite tuckered out after the pictures...
We met up for lunch at A.W. Shucks, which also happens to be the site of our first date.
Ben, Olivia, and I met Bri and Tony for an early breakfast one morning at Early Bird Diner.
Olivia hawked on everyone's grub, of course.
In total disbelief that she is too big for her carseat.
Lunch outside--spring is finally here!
The sweetest sickest angel.
Bathtime with Daddy...shenanigans.
Starting to look like a grown up girl.
Her first night in PJ separates!
Morning feedings are dwindling down, so I am soaking them up and savoring every second.

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