
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Is This Some Kind of Cruel Joke?

Has anyone else found breastfeeding challenging?  I was totally unprepared for the uphill battle that is nursing.  And then my stinkin' Dove chocolate revolted against me.

We are doing much better two weeks in, but honestly, there were times that I wanted to quit.  Knowing that this is the best thing that I could possibly do for Olivia right now is the only thing that kept me going.  I have gotten so many encouraging comments and messages and phone calls, and I am so thankful!  The support from Ben has been absolutely vital.  

So to all you expectant moms, and those of you who are where I am--know that it will get better!  Just push through!  All of the research in the world won't prepare you for the emotions and internal struggles that come with being the only food source for your new little life.  

I have started to use my alone-time with Olivia to really dig in to praying for her, and for other people in our lives.  Let us know how we can pray for you--seriously.  Send me a message or an email, or leave a comment.  I think of all of you who have told me that you've been reading, so let me know what you're struggling with!  It doesn't matter how many years it has been since we've talked or seen each other!  I have been so blown away by the people who have come out of the woodwork.  You're next!


  1. oh sweetie! breastfeeding was so tough for me. i ended up pumping for both kids for 9 months. i don't say that to discourage you, only to say that you are not alone. i felt alone with the tough go around, so i don't want you to! our pediatrician is a Godly man, and his words to me helped so much... he said we live in a fallen world and so sometimes when things should be natural (ie - easy) they are not. hang in there. praying for you and your girl.

    1. the funny thing is--i love pumping!! haha! it must be the organizational nerd within me. i like pouring it into the little bags and labeling it. it makes me think of our OCD notetaking habits...haha!

  2. It's a learning experience for *both* of you. You will get better and she will get better. If you can make it through the first 6 weeks of nursing, there's nothing you *can't* do. Hang in there.

    1. that is so encouraging---i have thought on this whole birth experience a lot. if we can carry the baby, we can give birth. if we can give birth, we can provide food. i will look forward to week 6!!

  3. yes, it is definitely tough! it is painful and FRUSTRATING in the beginning, not to mention that i made WAY more milk than was necessary for my girl. i was constantly uncomfortable, boo. sending you loads of good nursing thoughts, hang in there!

    new follower, please stop on by:

    1. i am in the same boat with making tons of milk. and i am trying to pump since i will be working again, so that isn't slowing down production at all. it will all be worth it though :)
