
Sunday, May 13, 2012

While You Were In...

We first found out about you on August 10, 2011.

You were tiny, smaller than a fingernail, and you took some getting used to.  
But we loved you already.

Mommy turned 25, and soon we thought it would be a good time to share our happy news!

We had fun telling our families and some friends that you were coming, 
and we think they were very surprised too!

After our trip to Disney World, you were 14 weeks old, 
and we revealed to the rest of the world that you were just 26 weeks away (or 28...ha!).

While celebrating Thanksgiving in Minot with your Aunt, Uncle, and cousins, 
we found out you were going to have another Scott cousin!  
After we got home, we celebrated your big gender reveal at the first party in your honor!

"Mustache or Bow, soon we will know!" 

We were so excited to find out you were a girl, 
and Daddy and Mommy were right--we thought you were a girl all along!

Here is your picture when you were 21 weeks old.

On December 10, Daddy and Mommy had our first wedding anniversary.

You grew and grew and grew.

And the Midwife told Mommy that she needed to eat salads everyday.

Your big brother Hank started to realize something was different, 
and he started to do bad things to get attention.  
Don't ever let him talk you into this...

But then he would feel sorry for what he did, 
and come lay on Mommy's belly and listen for your heartbeat.

Pretty soon, it was time for Mommy to take her glucose test, to be sure that you weren't getting too much sugar from her salads...We had to go back for round two of tests, but we passed by the skin of our teeth!  We were so happy to know that we would definitely be having you at the Birth Center, as long as you stayed put until 37 weeks.

Daddy started building your nursery things, and Mommy began to gather other details.  
Some of your Aunts and Grampy painted your nursery one Saturday.

You were filling up Mommy's belly very quickly, 
and we thought you were ready to come out to meet us!

But you stayed inside and gave us lots of time to spend together.  
You can see how big you were in the shadow on the sand!

But before we knew it, you were here.  One day soon I will write all about your birthday!  

But today, we are so happy to celebrate our first Mother's Day together.

We love you baby girl. 

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