
Monday, June 4, 2012

Time Flies: Week 6

Surprise!! We made it through the sixth week. Here are some highlights:

The best part about this week was:
  • Olivia started cooing!
Some things we've learned:
  • I can get much more accomplished if I put her in her crib to nap.
  • She is growing so stinking fast.  Everyone says it and now we understand!
Some things we've learned the hard way:
  • Blowouts are gross.
Olivia loves:
  • Playing with Ella
  • Baths
  • Looking around, she must be starting to see bright colors
Olivia surprised us when:
  • She weighed in at 11.14 lbs at her six week checkup! 24" Long...
Another outfit from Aunt Jess!

Hanging out with Uncle Jasey in his Snap On truck!

Aunt Nae finally got here!
A girl and her dog.
Baby O loves her dress from Aunt Seebee.
Nae forced me to buy this $6 clearance stuffed Olivia backpack.  She already loves it!

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