
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Time Flies: Week 7

Kung Fu Fighting.
The best part about this week was:
  • Aunt Nae arrived!!!
Some things we've learned:
  • Baby likes to be held on her tummy upside down.
  • I am going to be so stinking sad to leave her next week :(
Some things we've learned the hard way:
  • Gassy gassy gassy.
Olivia loves:
  • Milk.
  • Milk.
  • Milk.
Olivia surprised us when:
  • She started the long process of learning to roll over!
First elevator ride!  (Obviously we don't have much excitement to share this week...)
Bumbo sitting.
Watching the rain with Daddy.
Growing out of my 0-3 jammies.  Ugh.

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