
Monday, June 18, 2012

Time Flies: Week 8

Surprise!  We made it through the eighth week.  Here are some highlights:
Aunt Anna (who has the most incredible legs, eh?) is my longest-running friend.  We met in second grade and haven't lived in the same state since.  We deserve an award for having kept up for 20 years!!
The best part about this week was:
  • Aunt PT and Uncle Eli got married!!
  • Ben's first fathers day!
  • Bri & Anna were at the wedding!! (Okay maybe that was one of my best parts...)
  • Olivia met so many great uncles and aunts, cousins, friends of ours, and her great grandfather!
Some things we've learned:
  • She got up every three hours at night while on vacation.  Maybe because we were in the same room with her and it wasn't as quiet?  
  • She smiles and coos the most at her Dad.
  • She loves her family--all 7 million of them :)
Some things we've learned the hard way:
  • Realizing that I snap at Ben sometimes when he isn't thinking the same thoughts with me.  If I just stop and nicely ask, "Hey, could you grab her for a minute, I need a break?",  I've been much more respectful and kind.  He is so fantastic at jumping in and doing anything to help, but there is no way for him to read my mind!
Olivia loves:
  • Her new Uncle Eli.
  • Looking at lights and fans.
  • Still loving milk.
Olivia surprised us when:
  • She slept seven hours the night we got home.  Of course :)

There was lots of this--traveling back to Pop's house in her jammies.
I just love a baby in pajamas, especially mine.
Olivia loved hanging out with Pop-Pop.  And those hands that are holding her, those are the most hardworking hands I have ever known.  He took her to his favorite spot--the Old Country Buffett.  She slept through it.  He also held her while she looked out his window and at the fan.  Perfect days for a baby girl.  
These two enjoyed lots of snuggles on Fathers Day :)
Olivia and her Great Aunt Amy.  These two were pals from the start.  And let me say this, she has the most incredible network of extended family in the entire universe.
Baby wisps.  Please don't ever grow up.
Even her eyelashes are growing!

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