
Friday, June 22, 2012

Witness the Fitness!

Returning home from vacation is the most perfect time to begin detoxing, don't you think?  We went to Maryland for my sister's wedding, and brought home a sick baby and a few extra pounds.  Coming home to an empty fridge made it so much easier to start over!

$200 (!!!!!) and a Costco run later, we are fully stocked with all the good stuff.  We splurged on $46 worth of meat including pot roast (recipe to come) and pork tenderloin, which should be enough for at least 8 meals.  Oh, and we had to spend $34 on a new fan.  The rest was spent on produce, milk (we drink 2 gallons a week), yogurt, you get the picture.  Eating healthy is EXPENSIVE.

I am going to post all the grimy details of my pregnancy diet on Monday; I thought I'd give anyone who wants to join the weekend to say your fond farewells to sweets and refined flours and sugars.  And juice.  And lunchmeat.

I've been seeing too many disgusting pictures of myself lately.  Also, we need to take care of our bodies if we want to live to see Olivia graduate from Kindergarten.  Seriously, why don't we take care of ourselves?  I've gotten the okay to start running again, which combined with the extra 500 calories burned every day through breastfeeding alone, should make losing these 40-50 pounds a little less excruciating.  I wonder how long it will take me?

Anybody else trying to start 2013 with a little less of themselves?  Join me on twitter (@maribethscott) and lets do this together (#witnessthefitness)!  Ben says he's in!  And Olivia and Hank are automatically along for the ride.  So that makes four of us.  Strength in numbers people!


  1. I will be joining in January ;) love you girl!! You can do it!

  2. #witnessthefitness . . . . BEST HASHTAG EVER !!

    you know i'm in . i'm back in full swing

  3. Visit the 100 Days Of Real Food blog or Facebook page...LOVE IT!!!

  4. I'm in! I'll find you on twitter :)

  5. i am just seeing all these comments for some reason....
    @april--sister you are doing so amazingly well during this pregnancy!!
    @sb--girl #WTF
    @Ange--i need to get on that pronto!!!
    @liz--find me on twitter because i can't find you!!!!
