
Monday, October 29, 2012

Time Flies : Week 27

We were on the go this week, especially over the weekend!  Ben played the Charleston Mac-Off, which meant free tickets for me, so we strolled around and sampled some pretty amazing mac and cheese.  Olivia had fun listening to the music and being outside.  We spent Sunday afternoon at Kudu, soaking in great music and no agenda.  We also went to Early Bird Diner for breakfast, and for the first time realized that it is getting a little more difficult to eat out with a baby :)

There is nothing worse than being just a spectator at the Mac-Off.

So in love with her Daddy.

The spinach and blueberries are a hit!

Taking in the Sabbath with Mommy.

Her Hankie.

We've had more than a few meltdowns this week.

Waiting for a seat at The Early Bird Diner.

Lunch date with Uncle Buddy!

Bundled up for the fair.  It was in the 40's!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Actually Chopped

I finally got the guts to hack my hair.  In all truthfulness, it is more like I didn't have the guts to keep it long.  It is one less thing to have ripped out or pinched, thanks to my sweets Olivia.

So that's that!  It is shorter than I've had it in years, and I am just loving the low-fuss!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Time Flies : Week 26

Personality, personality, personality!  Little girl is growing up so quickly, I can't hardly stand it.  She spent a day at Giga and Pop's, and is really loving her walker these days.  Our marathon six week(end)s finally ended with a quick day trip to Florence, SC to watch Ben, Micah, and Ethan back the insanely talented Miss Ella Mae Bowen.  Olivia behaved herself and even made a few new friends.  It felt so good to head back home knowing we had a bit of a break in the immediate future.

Hammin' it up in the Arizona room at Giga & Pop's.  
(Photo courtesy of Mom's brick)

She loves having Hankie up by her face so much that we had to take him away at nighttime.  
All good things must come to an end, sister. 

"Ruby red lips, blonde hair, blue eyes!" Name that tune, 90's country fans.

Eating something, probably sweet potatoes!  
(Photo courtesy of Mom's brick)

Ben getting ready for work, Liv getting ready to party, 
and Mom getting ready to finish work!

Sometimes it is hard to think of captions, especially two months later!

Olivia and Ella Mae = BFF's.  And both wearing cute dresses.

Patty cake for Minnie, maybe.

"Now see here now..." @JamesGalloway...

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Other Best Friend's Wedding

2012 was the summer for weddings.  My other college BFF, Brianna, tied the knot with her high school prom date!  Her wedding was at the same church where her parents were wed, and the reception at a country club.  My sister-in-law bravely made the trek with Olivia and I.  Sadly, I ended up with no pictures of the bride in her dress and I didn't have the luxury of my "big camera", but here are a few others of things that happened over the weekend!

Trying on her new hat from Aunt SeeBee.

Just in case I lost the most important thing...

This girl has spent the majority of her little life traveling somewhere,
and it is safe to say it runs in her blood!

Because Peter Rabbit makes everything a little more fun.

More fascinated with the sticker than the view.

Sleeping beauty!

Liv having the best morning with her Auntie!

Plane hit the ground, we headed for G&M.
The BEST restaurant crabcakes in Maryland.
Literally the size of her head.

Aunt Anna literally feeding Olivia's face.  ha

After our crab binge, we headed up to Atlantic City for Bri's rehearsal dinner!
We stayed at the lovely Borgata Hotel & Casino.

Little girl loves some fancy hotel sheets!

Baby and Auntie Bry-Bry before her big day!!!

The morning of the wedding we woke up to this view.
 Bri's husband Tony works at the Water Club, so swanky!

Olivia in the portacrib at her Great Pop-Pop's.
Who couldn't tell me where it came from or who slept in it...ha!

He loves his greats!

I also took the opportunity to show Sarabeth around downtown Annapolis!
This is the house my dad grew up in, right across the street from the Navy Stadium!

We went down and saw the house we lived in while I was in high school,
and showed her all the old stomping grounds...

We capped the too-short weekend off with a get
together hosted by Aunt Amy and Uncle Bill!
Olivia was tuckered out by all the attention from her marvelous
Great Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and Pop-Pop, but Uncle Bob
 did a nice job of finally lulling her to sleep :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Time Flies : Week 25

Week 25 began with all things pumpkin.  Little girl took one lick and it was love at first bite.  We spent the weekend in the western mountains of North Carolina with Auntie Sarabeth and Granny, and Olivia was a wonderful traveler, in spite of this being the third weekend out of the past four where we were out of town.  Meanwhile, Ben was out of town for work so we spent the remaining hours of Sunday getting settled back in and awaiting his return.

Wait til she realizes that there is pumpkin cheesecake, 
pumpkin granola, pumpkin bread, pumpkin ice cream, pumpkin lattes...

We were hoping for cooler weather, but at least it wasn't 97 and humid!

Hanging with Aunt Seebee at The Flat Rock Bakery in Hendersonville, NC.  
The Scotts have been going there for years every summer during Music Conference at Bonclarken.  
It is to die for...I definitely recommend it!

Another Scott tradition is loading up at The Fresh Market.  Olivia guessed it would be one wild ride, full of bulk yogurt covered pretzels, artisan cheeses and hot apple cider samples.  She was correct.

We took this picture in honor of her Great Grandfather, Pop-Pop, her favorite farmer.

I'd pick her.

Having her first taste of an apple slice on our rock quarry picnic before heading out.

The car was so loaded down with stuff apples that it would barely accelerate.  We brought almost four bushels home for applesauce, pies, and for keeping the doctor away.  Granny and Olivia thought it may be a good idea to document my packing job, since Ben would never believe it.

And finally we were home to wait on daddy.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Little Before and After...

Before our bike ride.
During our bike ride.
After our bike ride.
Less than 70 degrees?  Yes please.  We are some cold weather lovin' people.
And someone's gigantic rosey cheeks are more than adorable.