
Monday, February 18, 2013

Time Flies : Week 43

Olivia is so frustrated that she can't stand on her own or walk!  She is sick of being stationary but still has no interest in crawling.  In due time!  We had a great week and enjoyed our first Valentines Day as a family.  We went to the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition for the first time, and of course, Olivia's favorite part was the puppies.

Practicing her acrobatics...

Her Valentines outfit : "Daddy Melts My Heart"
Nothing could be more true.

Finally cold enough to merit a jacket.

Had to take a picture next to the Wells Fargo stagecoach for Aunt Seebee!

Her first character encounter.  
She was a little freaked out, but now she is officially
 ready to meet all the princesses at Disney next month :)

Going in for the kill...

...a.k.a. getting as close as possible to her Valentine.

Olivia and Olivia the pig, meeting for the first time.

Practicing eating off of a plate, she is doing so well with leaving it on the tray.

Our morning ritual of telling Ms. B "good morning!"...

Ecstatic over the puppies!

Another week older...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Time Flies : Week 42

Week 42 flew by like all the rest.  I cannot believe we are ten weeks away from a year spent with this girl.  She still isn't crawling, instead she flails around to get where she needs to go.  We tried a new spot in town, EVO Bakery, on Wednesday morning.  We biked over there around 7:30 and spent an hour enjoying the sights and sounds of the bakery before we started the day.  It has been fun to get out and enjoy the mild weather this week!

Playing on Mommy's bed while she gets ready for work.

Begging for a bite of something...

Tiny hands make the sweetest fingerprints on our bedroom window.

Riding through Costco, one of our favorite past-times.

Spending the day at Granny's house!

These blonde and black eyelashes get me every time!

Playing among Daddy's gear-tropolis with her own instruments from Uncle Buddy!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Carrot Pulp Carrot Cake


Does making carrot cake out of the juice pulp negate the fact that I drank carrot juice this morning?

I know what you're thinking.  I was thinking it too.  We watched the documentary, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" based on my brother-in-law's recommendations (find it on Netflix).  We were pretty intrigued by the whole juicing phenomenon and decided to give it a chance.  We've only tried carrots, apple, and celery, but we are hooked already.  I love that fact that so many vitamins are packed into a very small amount.  I'm becoming all about the quality, and less about the quantity, right?!

Back to the cake, nobody came here to read about health food.

As usual, I had to do a few substitutions, although this time I didn't have any all-purpose flour so the substitutions were pretty liberal.  I omitted a few ingredients as well, but it turned out just the way I like it: dense, flavorful, and moist.  I'd say this is hearty enough to be used as a wedding cake, and if you juice, you know you'll have enough pulp to build a house, or a pretty substantial cake.  I will definitely make this the same way next time, which hopefully won't be tomorrow morning after our breakfast of carrot juice.

Carrot Pulp Carrot Cake

For the cake:
2 cups all purpose flour (I used 1 c brown rice flour, 3/4 c whole wheat flour, 1/4 c self rising flour...[don't ask, it expired in 2011 so I wasn't sure if putting a whole lot of it was a good idea...])
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon (Vietnamese, if you have it)
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger (I ommitted, didn't have it)
1 cup granulated white sugar (I used a little less)
1 cup light brown sugar
1 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil (I did use 1/4 c veggie oil, since olive oil is a whole lot more $$)
4 large eggs
4 cups carrot pulp from juicer
1 cup unsweetened applesauce (I omitted, didn't have it)
Optional: 1/4 cup ground flaxseed

For cake:
1.Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease two 9-inch-diameter cake pans.

2. Sift together the flour, flaxseed, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg in a medium bowl.

3. In the base of your electric mixture with the whisk attachment, whisk the sugar and oil until combined. Beat the eggs in one at a time.

4. Switch to the paddle attachment, and and add the flour mixture until all combined.

5. Add the carrot pulp and continue mixing. The batter was thicker than normal cake batter, so don't freak.  Divide the batter between prepared pans and bake for 40 minutes or until a tester inserted in center comes out clean.  After several minutes, flip the cakes out onto a wire rack and let cool completely (crucial step for those of us who can't wait to shove our faces in cake since all we've "eaten" the entire day is juice).

For the frosting:
16 ounces (2 packs) softened cream cheese
1 stick softened butter
1 tablespoon real vanilla extract
4 cups powdered sugar

1. Using the electric mixer, beat cream cheese and butter in a large bowl until combined. Add the vanilla, whip until soft and fluffy.  Add the powdered sugar bit by bit until completely combined.  The frosting will be rather thick, if you prefer it runny, add a DROP of milk or two.

2.  Once COMPLETELY cooled, Ice the cakes and serve chilled.

Cake adapted from this recipe.  Icing adapted from this book, which as promised, I finally came back for.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Very Super Bowl

This year was somewhat non-traditional.  Mom and Dad got a fifth wheel a few weeks ago, so naturally they have been finding every excuse to go someplace (like they've ever needed an excuse before?!).  We were all the better for it, and spent most of Sunday at James Island County Park hammin' it up in the RV.  It was quite nice, especially since the furniture is more comfortable than what we have at home.  Recipes below!

An early predictor that the Ravens would be #1!

Helping Poppy to get things fixed. 

On a walk with Giga and Mommy!

This is for all of her Auntie's and Great Auntie's who haven't seen her teeth yet!

My main #1 squeeze

My #2 squeeze

Mom documenting her first party spread.

Speaking of spreads, would anyone like the recipe for crack?

Mix together 1 lb of browned and drained ground sausage, 
16 oz cream cheese, and 1 can of Ro-Tel tomatoes.  
Put it in the crock pot on low and stir.  
Thank me later.

Chex Mix is a Scott family tradition that I just wrapped my head around a few weeks ago.  I'm glad it is for football season only, or else I'd need to be working out at least 100% more than normal.

You can find it here.  We always make it in the oven.  
I added mini crackers this time and my very picky party mix husband admitted that it was spot on.

Olivia and her most favorite food, Chobani.  
She eats a whole one for breakfast every single day.  
Bless her heart.

Pretending to crawl.

Mommy and her girl right before she expired.

Barricaded on Giga and Poppy's ridiculously comfortable bed.
Too bad next year she won't be allowed to watch the game because of all the sickening commercials!!!!!  Really, the Gag-Daddy commercial is the one that comes to mind.  Anybody else?!

Thank you to Aunt Amy for the Ravens gear and to Auntie Chris for the precious tutu!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Time Flies : Week 41

Ben had a crazy week getting ready for a big show over the weekend, so there was lots of juggling to keep the plates spinning.  We are so thankful for family and friends!

Helping Daddy get ready for his show at the Music Hall.

Opening her package from Aunt Amy!

Reunited with her Birth Center pals (all born within a few weeks of each other!)
...Baby Jennings was off grubbing.

Visiting Giga and Poppy in their new RV!

Digging for buried treasure (Read: Williams Sonoma catalog) in the recycling bin. 

Going for a spin with Daddy!

Watching the big game and cheering for Baltimore!

Waiting game.